Boost Immunity with Indian Traditional Spices.

It is no exaggeration to say that traditional Indian cuisine boosts immunity. It may seem surprising that food that boosts immunity has been in our kitchen since the time of our ancestors.

According to Ayurveda, our food is the greatest medicine. Incorporating the nutrients our body needs in that diet is the way to a healthier life. That is why it is recommended to eat fruits that are available in any period without neglect. This is because the fruit that is available in one season has one priority. If the season changes, the fruit may fade.

Covid-19, In ​​addition to being clean, we need to change our eating habits and eat foods that are immune to our diet. Here are some Indian Traditional Spices that can help boost your immune system:

Now we use a lot of hand sanitizers, sanitizer plays an important role in killing bacteria and it keeps us safe from various diseases. It is best to use a sanitizer only when it is not possible to wash your hands with soapy water, which means it is best to use the sanitizer only when we are outdoors, in the car or shopping.

But the surprising thing is that the sanitizer kills the good bacteria in our body. The government says there are some side effects due to overuse of sanitizer during      Covid-19.


Here some of medicinal species can boost your immunity



Great spice in the spice kingdom is turmeric, which has long been used as a yellow spice and as a great medicinal herb. It helps a lot in boosting our immunity. Turmeric is known as the queen of spices. It is the masala that comes from the origin of the Kurkuma Langa family It is traditionally called Indian Saffron.

Drink with pure turmeric, black pepper, lemon juice and one tablespoon of pure honey.


It comes from the bark of the Cinnamomum tree. Cinnamons is the great spice, and have more medicinal values. It is native to Caribbean, South' America, and South East Asia.

Add it to a smoothie, or sprinkle it into your dishes , or even your tea. 

Black Pepper

Black pepper is the fruit of the plant from the Piperaceae family, and black pepper is used as both a spice and medicine. It is native to Kerala the Southern State of India. Since ancient times black pepper is one of the most widely traded spices in the world. It is a rich source of Manganese, Iron, Calcium, Potassium, Vitamin A, C, K, Zinc, Chromium and other nutrients.

Mix a small amount into a tablespoon of honey.

Indian Gooseberry

Amla, a fruit derived from Sanskrit, is green in colour and is also known as honey of life. It is called Indian Gooseberry in English. It has special medicinal properties, which is high in vitamin C. It contains many times more vitamins than orange, berry fruit and pomegranate. Truly deserves its super food status. Amla helps a lot to keep our body in balance. Amla is very helpful in eliminating the root cause of many diseases.

To get the best of its nutrients, have amla with calcium- and iron-rich foods like apricots, raisins and dairy products.

Black Plum

Black Plum have different names. The original name was "Jumbo", hence the name "Jumbo Island". This tree was once restricted to South Asia, after which Black Plum seeds were brought from our country to Europe. Another important point is that the tree was not introduced to the Americans until the 19th century.

Many people think that eating Black Plum reduces diabetes but the truth is that Black Plum kernels can be dried and then powdered to get more relief from diabetes. Black Plum contains extraordinary nutrients; this fruit is rich in vitamin C and iron. These help in boosting the immune system in our body. Our elders say that Black Plum works wonderfully to repair our digestive syste

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