What’s New and Beneficial about Dazzling Shades of Bell Peppers?


Bell Peppers

Bell Peppers are originated in Mexico, central America and South America and Over time they have not only been distributed throughout the world, but have become widely cultivated in a very large number of countries, also been introduced to Africa and Asia. In terms of global bell pepper production, China, Mexico, Turkey, Indonesia, and Spain produce the most green peppers (including both bell and chilli peppers), with the U.S. ranking next highest in total production. Mainly Peppers are used as a food, Condiment, and spice.

Family & Variety

The Bell Pepper is the fruit of Grossum cultivar group of the spices, and belongs to the nightshade (Solanaceae) family of plants.

1)     Classification Name: Capsicum annuum
2)     Displayed / Running  Name: Capsicum

The cultivar group produce fruits in different colors include red, yellow, orange, green, white and purple.

Most Varieties of bell peppers start off green in color and undergo changes during the process of maturation. Common Bell Pepper Groups and Varieties Include:

Paprika pods are long dark red with little pungency. They are used for the production of red pigment and flavoring.

Jalapeno Peppers are often harvested as green fruit for fresh-markets. A sizable proportion of the production is also sold to processors.
Anaheim or New Mexican, are long, cylindrical peppers 7 to 9 inch long. They are harvested green for fresh use as well as canning. Red dried pods are ground and used in sauces.
Wax or Banana Peppers vary greatly in size and shape. They are usually yellow when immature and can be sweet or pungent when used fresh or for pickling.

There are many other varieties, including habanero, poblano, and aji chillies, which are used in Tabasco.

Characteristics of Bell Pepper

The structure and shape of bell peppers are similar, regardless of their color

     A smooth outer skin protects a fresh, crunchy flesh inside.

     The fruit is hollow, with countless seeds clustering in the center and clinging to the white membrane along the walls.

How to remove Seeds

Bell pepper seeds are perfectly harmless to ingest but may add a rather bitter crunch if left inside the pepper. Most recipes will call for removing the seeds before preparation; there are a variety of simple ways to do so with just a cutting board and knife skills.

Fun Facts about Bell Pepper

             Peppers are actually fruits because they are produced from a flowering plant and                          contain seeds most people think of them as vegetables.

Red Bell Peppers are sweeter than green ones because bell peppers sweeten as they ripen.

Green Bell Peppers are the most popular type of pepper in the US

Red Bell Peppers have more than twice the Vitamin C of a Green Pepper.

Bell Peppers are a good source of Vitamin A

 Health Benefits of Bell Peppers

To Help support healthy night vision. Since red peppers are high in vitamin A, it helps to support healthy eyesight, red peppers can increase metabolic rate. Peppers are very powerful antioxidant, vitamin C is also needed for the proper absorption of iron, peppers are packed with fully loaded antioxidants and combined effect of vitamin A and C, and an equally rich array of antioxidant phytonutrients, what we would expect in health research findings would be risk reduction for numerous chronic diseases, including cardiovascular disease, obesity, and diseases related to regulation of blood sugar. Finally a great source of vitamin B6 and Magnesium, this vitamin and mineral combination shows a decrease in anxiety, especially related to pre-menstrual symptoms, and B6 also reduce bloating and prevents hypertension. So add Bell Peppers in your daily menu for create Immunity Boosting


Bell Peppers are available year-round, but they’re at their in late summer, when they’re more likely to come from a farm closer to home.


The bell peppers are may stored in refrigerator only, because some background on why we recommend refrigerator bell peppers. When we store any food, four basic factors affect its nutrient composition: exposure to air, exposure to light, exposure to heat, and length of time in storage.


The bell peppers recipes feature all different colors, from red to orange to yellow to green. The colors are interchangeable and you can customize them as you’d like! The bell pepper is a wonderful side dish on its own or a fantastic addition to any dish in a range of cuisines, from Italian to Mexican. Try them in:

For Recipes with Bell Peppers visit my page under recipes section.

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