Immunity Booster GINGER

Immunity Booster – GINGER (अदरक)
Another Immunity Booster is “GINGER” Health devotees espouse the many medicinal and therapeutically qualities of ginger. It is claimed to:


v  Ginger is an anti - inflammation in arthritic joints, as per the case study 63% reduction in declaration of pain in osteoarthritis patients when taking a daily dose of Ginger.
v  Lower cholesterol
v  Thin the blood
v  Ginger is thought to be beneficial for gastric problems it is thought to aid the likes of Indigestion, stomach discomfort, cramps, diarrhoea, constipation and gas.
v  Relieve morning sickness
v  Ginger Helps to detoxify the body, this is especially beneficial during cold and flu season as it helps to rid the body of toxins.

Ginger is an ancient spice that is coveted for its uses both as a healing plant and as a spice in cooking.


Ginger, (Zingiber Officinal), herbaceous perennial plant of the family Zinqiberacae, also GINGER is one of the most powerful ingredients in (spice) family in the world. The Ginger is considered a luxury more than 5000 years ago, the Ginger have a rich history. Previously the Indians and ancient Chinese are used the root of Ginger as a tonic it treat common element. It was cultivated in other countries but actually Ginger is originated in Southeast Asia.

When the Arabs travelled to Africa and Zanzibar, they planted the rhizomes thus spreading the cultivation of this great herb.

The GINGER is rich in nutrients such as Vitamin C, Potassium, Magnesium and Sodium.

Ginger is used for preparation of Bread ( called as Ginger Bread ), Tea ( Called as Ginger Tea ) and many Dishes and desserts.


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