Ginger Tea

Ginger Tea

This is a spicy drink for warming up on cold days.  Ginger Tea is a warming drink for cool weather and it’s a non – alcoholic & non-caffeinated drink and Ginger tea can increase your immunity system. If you take daily 2 cups of Ginger Tea aids digestion, it helps soothe upset stomach and can reduce nausea.
Ginger Tea
Ginger Tea

 All in all, fresh ginger tea recipe is an superb to drink to keep in your repertoire this winter. Ready to make some?


5 thin slices of raw Ginger
1½ cup of Purified water
½ Lemon Squeezed
2 tbsp raw Honey

How it’s made

Boil water and meanwhile, great ginger slices, pour kettle. Add the ginger, lemon juice & honey. Allow to sit for 15 minutes to 20 minute. Strain into a cup or mug. Serve Hot.........

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