The pomegranate: It’s Story and place in world Cuisines.

The pomegranate: It’s Story and place in world Cuisines.
The Pomegranate is a fruit contains hundreds of edible seeds called arils. Pomegranate is originated in Persia, Cultivated since ancient times. Pomegranate is true gem of a fruits in the world, its seeds like a JEWEL. Inspired by legends, tales and poems throughout history. In Ancient Egypt, the gods were presented with a gift of pomegranates. The Pomegranate is a region extending from Iran to the Himalayas.
There is so much of Health benefits have with this fruit “POMEGRANATE”
As the seeds of the POMEGRANATE are rich in fiber and low in calories, it makes for a good food choice for someone looking to lose weight and also helps in maintaining healthy weight at the same time.
The Pomegranate juice is more effective in slowing the growth of prostate cancer, Breast Cancer and improves digestive health system. The POMEGRANATE loaded with vitamins A, C & E and is very rich in antioxidants, contains Energy, Protein, Carbohydrates, Fiber, Potassium and Phosphorous.
Pomegranate has impressive Anti-Inflammatory effects like, chronic inflammation is one of the leading drivers of many serious diseases, and its includes Heart Disease, Cancer, Type2 Diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease and even obesity.
In India POMEGRANATE is used as a spice. And India is second biggest producer. The pomegranate seeds are dried and crushed to create a spice called anardana, which is used to add tartness to various dishes, savoury receipes and including salads, cocktails and so much more.

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