Foods That Boost Immunity

Foods That Boost Immunity (इम्युनिटी 

Immunity Food

Ones you might consider adding to your cart during your next trip to the grocery store or farmers market.Thoseare  as follows
ü  Pomegranates
ü  Spinach
ü  Broccoli
ü  Onions
ü  Garlic
ü  Ginger
ü  Protein
To stay healthy, to include as many of these immune-boosting foods to your diet as you can.

Immunity - the condition that allows either natural or acquired resistance to disease. There are two types of immunity system.

a)    Active immunity
b)    Passive immunity

Active immunity occurs when our own system is liable for protecting us from a pathogen.
Passive immunity occurs once we are shielded from a pathogen by immunity gained from somebody else.

Both of those different types of immunity are often acquired in several ways.

A third category, community immunity, doesn't involve physical components of the system for cover

in the next article we will share some more details about immunity boosters.

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